06 February 2008

Ron Paul, Super Tuesday, and Patriot-lights

I've supported Ron Paul for months, and I will support him as president until after the elections in November. I'll keep supporting him, and the ideas he advocates, for a very long time, I suspect, long after he loses the election - and he will lose the elections, let's not kid ourselves. None of us expected him to win. What we expected was for him, and his efforts, and our efforts, to wake people up, to spark something inside their hearts, to plant that one little seed which has the potential to grow into something mighty. I will support all that for the rest of my life, probably.

But, how many others will? How many people who supported him until the results today are willing to keep going, or how many will quit after the dismal outcome of yesterday?

I decided to do a bit of math, because a) I like math, and b) I wanted to find out how many people voted for him in the primary process. So, I simply tallied up his votes from the states that had primaries, as opposed to caucuses, because primaries give a better indicator of voters who cast their vote for Paul. Here are the results, as of 10:07 Central Standard Time, Feb 6th, 2007, from cnn.com:

The total number of votes received by Ron Paul in the 18 states that have had primaries so far:

Compared to the rest of the candidates, it's minuscule, but this is quite an astonishing number by itself.

Now, the real test of those voters. Do they actually believe in what Paul says, or are going to give up? Will they see it through to the end (and therefore to the next beginning), or will they quit. Are they Patriots, or Patriot-Lights.

My bet is on the second.

However, with such a large number of people who voted for him in just those 18 states, there are bound to be some real Patriots in there, unsure of what to do next now that they've seen how many Americans just simply don't want freedom.

If you happen to be one of them, and are reading this (however unlikely that is, I have no delusions about this humble blog), there is another option.

Join us in Wyoming, the last free(est) state in the country. Every person who moves here will make a difference. Let me show you.

Let's assume that 99% aren't willing to move to Wyoming right away, or at all - remember what homer said; out of every 100 soldiers, 90 shouldn't be there, 9 will fight well, but that last one is the Warrior who will bring everyone else back alive. Besides, I'm willing to bet many of those voters are either big government republicans or liberals who are sick of politics as usual, and would like something newer and fresh, but who aren't actually libertarian-leaning.

1% of 500,000 (rounded down liberally to account for multiple votes from states that allowed non-residents to vote, such as Iowa, and people who aren't as freedom oriented) is still 5000 people. That number of people moving to Wyoming would really have an impact.

So please, join us in the Cowboy State, the Equality State. It's state motto is "Equal Rights" for a reason. There is always something else to look for, to strive for, to live for, and that something is the Free State Wyoming movement.

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