27 February 2008

Silenced at my University

I have been putting these posters up around my campus, and they have been repeatedly torn down every day, sometimes within an hour of when I put it up. At first I attributed it to anti-self-defense weasels, but now I'm thinking the faculty are involved.

Just like at most universities, posters must be approved by the office to be put up, although this is often ignored and unapproved posters are left up. Ironically, my posters, which had been approved were being torn down. Seeing as they were all torn down - again - I went to get more approved. Denied.

They said that students had been complaining that the posters were offensive.


Had I said anything about the group trying to get Barack Obama, who will be the worst president ever, next to Lincoln and Bush, had put posters up saying how we should vote in the primaries and caucuses for him, even though the posters pissed me off? No.

Have I said anything about the advertisements to get people to watch The Vagina Monologues? Not that I find it offensive that there was a girl dressed up as a giant vagina (not kidding). I didn't find it offensive, but I sure as hell could have lied about it. Did I?

NO, because I believe in a thing called freedom of speech. People are going to get offended, it's a part of life. Tough shit. They don't have a right to silence and punish people or messages they find offensive.

Besides, I happen to love theatre, even the socialist and liberal diatribes of men, capitalism, etc.

But, the posters I put up aren't about Art. They're about self-defense, something a great deal more important than Art will ever be (prove me wrong, I dare you.)

To be fair to my university, it is not yet clear if the posters were banned due to freedom of speech issues. But, I'm making inquiries, and I'll soon know the severity of the situation.

Expect a shit-storm to follow. Stay tuned...

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